Thursday, November 24, 2011

On love and kindness

Kindness in words creates confidence
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness
Kindness in giving creates love.

p/s : 착하게 살자!!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


When you thought you have no one to hold on to, there is always Him beside you...subhanAllah
Mama suddenly called from the airport today asking if i have any problems...saying she dreamed about me last night and how i cried in front of her in that dream... 
With the fact i did cried the day before while stalking her facebook and scrolling her pics...
and i cried again~

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Kata pejuang itu: "Aku nak cakap sesuatu, aku lihat dua, tiga dari kalian yang sedang menangis!
"Kami sebenarnya tidak mahu air mata kamu tumpah di sini. Tetapi kita perlu sedar Zionis Israel adalah musuh kita bersama dan kami di sini akan terus berjuang untuk masjid kamu.
"Namun air mata kamu sebenarnya adalah pembakar semangat untuk kami terus berjuang dan sampaikan salam kami kepada saudara mara kami di Malaysia dan yakinlah terhadap perjuangan ini untuk kita sama-sama mempertahankan hak dan masjid yang sangat kita cintai."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

When you walk through the cloudy days, 
He said I'll be the one to be your cane..
When you need someone to share your love, 
He said I'll be the one to be your love..
So smile and look at me, I'll tell you what...
Everybody passing through this way, 
So have faith, and be tall.. you can't stop now
Now is the start, this is the way, the ONLY way~

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Those Beautiful Words

Couldn't  be more jealous every time seeing them using those beautiful words of Quran and hadith in their writings... How they know so much beautiful things in Islam and how i know nothing... Having them as my friends do make me realise how different are we although we are the same 21 years old person... And I really really feel so small....T____T May Allah show me the way to became more like them..Amin

P/S : is having this thing called selsema and for some reason is happy about it~ maybe because of the sneezing part..^___^

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Notes left behind

The journal continued and people read each entry daily. We are still uncomfortable with the attention, so some journal entries and notes to this day remain private. Others for the first time are published in this book on the hopes of awareness. they are our innermost thoughts, feeling and opinions. Simplicity~
                   reading continued~